Tell Me AI-chan Icon


Tell Me AI-chan allows you to ask questions in writing, and the AI will think about it and answer your questions. For example, it can solve school problems such as quadratic equations, think of a title for something or a candidate for a new name, and other creative things. They can also write programs for you.

It's free to use, so give it a try first!

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Tell Me AI-chan is an AI tool using GPT-3, the previous generation of ChatGPT provided by OpenAI. Although it is the previous generation, it is still a very powerful AI, and we made it so that you can come up with new ideas by asking the AI to teach you various things.

The uses are endless!

Note that the training data is not up-to-date, so it is not suitable for obtaining up-to-date information such as "What is the current U.S. Presidents? and so on.

The application icon is also created using OpenAI "DALL-E 2", an AI that generates images from text.

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How to use

For example, you can ask them to come up with a title name for something, or a story for a new game, etc.

For example, ask the following

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