
By using this application, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Data Analysis

In order to improve the usability of this application, we analyze access to the application anonymously and with the utmost care to ensure that individuals cannot be identified.For example, when the app crashes, we anonymously send information on which part of the app crashed to help us quickly fix bugs.

We also analyze device and app version usage, as well as usage of specific features, to help us improve our apps. (For example, unused features are omitted for simplicity.)

AdMob(Google Inc.)

Firebase Analytics(Google Inc.)


We make no warranty that this application will be suitable for the user\'s particular purpose, that it will have the expected functionality, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness, or that it will be free from defects.
We can change the specifications of the App at our convenience. We shall not be liable for compensation for any termination, modification, or unavailability of this application, loss of data or breakdown or damage to machinery resulting from the use of this application, or any other damages incurred by the user in connection with this application.

Copyrights, Intellectual Property Rights, etc.

All copyrights and other rights belong to us or third parties who own the rights.